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Table 2 The coupling of the urbanization and CEECI coordinated development stage and type division standard

From: Research on the coordinated development of provincial urbanization and carbon emission efficiency of construction industry in China

Coupling coordination degree/S

Development stage

Rank of harmony degree

Relative development degree/E

Coordinated development type

[0.9, 1]


Best coordination

E ≤ 2.8

Best coordination efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

Best coordination synchronous type

E > 4.2

Best coordinated urbanization lag type

[0.8, 0.9)

Good coordination

E ≤ 2.8

Good coordination efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

Good coordination synchronous type

E > 4.2

Good coordinated urbanization lag type

[0.7, 0.8)

Medium coordination

E ≤ 2.8

Medium coordination efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

Medium coordination synchronous type

E > 4.2

Medium coordinated urbanization lag type

[0.6, 0.7)

Low coordination

E ≤ 2.8

Low coordination efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

Low coordination synchronous type

E > 4.2

Low coordinated urbanization lag type

[0.5, 0.6)


High running-in

E ≤ 2.8

High running-in efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

High running-in synchronous type

E > 4.2

High running-in urbanization lag type

[0.4, 0.5)

Low running-in

E ≤ 2.8

Low running-in efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

Low running-in synchronous type

E > 4.2

Low running-in urbanization lag type

[0.3, 0.4)


Low antagonistic

E ≤ 2.8

Low antagonistic efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

Low antagonistic synchronous type

E > 4.2

Low antagonistic urbanization lag type

[0.2, 0.3)

Medium antagonistic

E ≤ 2.8

Medium antagonistic efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

Medium antagonistic synchronous type

E > 4.2

Medium antagonistic urbanization lag type

[0, 0.2)

High antagonistic

E ≤ 2.8

High antagonistic efficiency lag type

2.8 < E ≤ 4.2

High antagonistic synchronous type

E > 4.2

High antagonistic urbanization lag type