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Fig. 2 | Carbon Balance and Management

Fig. 2

From: Temporal dynamics of ecosystem, inherent, and underlying water use efficiencies of forests, grasslands, and croplands and their responses to climate change

Fig. 2

Trends (% yr− 1) in EWUE, IWUE and uWUE for all sites. a Trends and statistical significance of the three WUE metrics for all DBF, ENF, GRA, and CRO sites. The values in the squares represented the trends observed at each site for the three WUE metrics. Each * referred to a 0.05 for p, ** a 0.01 for p, *** a 0.001 for p. b Proportion of the number of significant (p < 0.05) and non-significant (p ≥ 0.05) trends for the three WUE metrics for each biome and all sites. n represents the number of sites

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