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Table 5 Multivariate probit results on the type of low carbon technology adoption

From: Socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of low carbon technologies under rice production systems in China

Explanatory variables

Dependent variables








Farmer and household characteristics


0.280 (0.280)

0.268 (0.278)

0.245 (0.250)

0.014 (0.230)

0.223 (0.231)

0.036 (0.231)

− 0.013 (0.250)


− 0.049 (0.018)

− 0.022 (0.019)

0.013 (0.017)

− 0.040 (0.017)b

− 0.007 (0.017)

− 0.037 (0.017)b

− 0.026 (0.017)


− 0.035 (0.029)

0.113 (0.033)c

0.050 (0.028)a

0.039 (0.017) b

0.140 (0.029)c

0.052 (0.028)a

0.058 (0.031)a


0.028 (0.020)

− 0.020 (0.021)

− 0.010 (0.019)

0.129 (0.177)

− 0.016 (0.019)

0.034 (0.018)

0.038 (0.019)

 Household size

0.145 (0.155)

− 0.208 (0.159)

0.222 (0.149)

0.448 (0.146)c

0.369 (0.153)b

0.256 (0.144)a

0.103 (0.153)

 Farmer behavior

 Climate change awareness

0.395 (0.205)

0.261 (0.109)a

0.512 (0.197)a

0.395 (0.118)c

0.223 (0.115)a

0.347 (0.203)a

0.639 (0.205)c

 Low carbon agriculture awareness

0.258 (0.141)a

0.424 (0.135)c

0.042 (0.033)

0.186 (0.130)

0.016 (0.019)

0.195 (0.125)

0.237 (0.139)a

 Risk aversion

0.057 (0.058)

− 0.096 (0.026)c

− 0.056 (0.058)

− 0.076 (0.054)

− 0.069 (0.066)

0.026 (0.056)

− 0.008 (0.060)

Field characteristics

 Farm income ratio

− 0.090 (0.076)

0.219 (0.143)

0.171 (0.140)

0.032 (0.119)

− 0.130 (0.127)

− 0.169 (0.131)

− 0.172 (0.139)

 Farm size

0.055 (0.047)

− 0.062 (0.055)

− 0.063 (0.045)

0.015 (0.043)

− 0.073 (0.045)

− 0.007 (0.042)

− 0.001 (0.045)

 Machinery ownership

− 0.066 (0.058)

0.710 (0.200)c

0.147 (0.175)

− 0.161 (0.174)

− 0.518 (0.179)c

− 0.113 (0.169)

0.765 (0.171)

 Soil fertility deficiency

− 0.193 (0.102)a

− 0.098 (0.077)

0.153 (0.087)a

− 0.031 (0.089)

0.046 (0.092)

− 0.180 (0.087)b

0.020 (0.090)

 Sufficient water irrigation

− 0.030 (0.025)

0.243 (0.072)c

0.109 (0.156)

− 0.388 (0.155)b

0.356 (0.163)b

0.044 (0.151)

− 0.095 (0.161)

External environment

 Credit access

0.075 (0.066)

− 0.081 (0.070)

− 0.008 (0.061)

− 0.097 (0.060)

0.219 (0.062)c

− 0.030 (0.059)b

0.144 (0.065)b

 Technical support

0.425 (0.113)c

− 0.264 (0.073) c

0.382 (0.158)b

0.366 (0.157)b

0.145 (0.166)

0.064 (0.153)

0.377 (0.164)b


0.067 (0.021)c

0.072 (0.022)c

0.072 (0.020)c

0.009 (0.018)

0.069 (0.020)c

0.043 (0.019)a

0.019 (0.029)


2.077 (1.074)a

− 1.073 (1.060)

− 0.978 (0.910)

0.969 (0.976)

− 1.134 (1.011)

1.792 (0.984)

1.317 (1.007)

 Log likelihood

− 2034.61


 Prob. > chi2



 Wald chi2 (112)


  1. S, T, N, W, M, F and P represent new rice varieties, conservation tillage, water—saving irrigation, optimizing fertilizer management, pesticide reduction technology, planting green manure in fallow winter season, and planting-breeding technology, respectively. The figure in bracket is standard deviation.
  2. (a) indicates pearson correlation is significant at P < 0.1 level, (b) indicates pearson correlation is significant at P < 0.05 level, (c) indicates pearson correlation is significant at P < 0.01 level