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Fig. 22 | Carbon Balance and Management

Fig. 22

From: Wood Vault: remove atmospheric CO2 with trees, store wood for carbon sequestration for now and as biomass, bioenergy and carbon reserve for the future

Fig. 22

Three major pathways to prevent wood decomposition: (1) Anaerobic condition that can be created by sealing with low permeability material such as clay or waterlogging; (2) Cold; (3) Dry. Any one of these 3 conditions, if ensured in high fidelity, will be sufficient to preserve wood. This is fundamentally because the main wood decomposers such as fungi and insects need all three ingredients to survive and thrive: oxygen, suitable temperature, and moisture. The 7 versions of Wood Vaults are designed to realize one or more of these 3 pathways. Photo credit: Susan Pike

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