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Fig. 5 | Carbon Balance and Management

Fig. 5

From: Relationships between above- and below-ground carbon stocks in mangrove forests facilitate better estimation of total mangrove blue carbon

Fig. 5

a Entire relationship between AGC and BGC in the mangrove ecosystem across different mangrove communities in China. Circles, squares, and triangles indicate different mangrove latitude regions. Red shaded areas indicate a 95% confidence interval for the fitted line. b Redundancy analysis (RDA) diagram for the correlation between carbon stock component characteristics (blue line) and structural, biogeographical variables (red line). Note: The slope and intercept are the parameters of the linear correlation between AGC and BGC; Reserve position (RP), Domain species (DS), Domain species numbers (SN), Mean annual temperature (MT), Mean annual precipitation (MP), Geomorphic settings (GS, types include: lagoon, estuary, and open coast)

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