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Fig. 3 | Carbon Balance and Management

Fig. 3

From: Cumulative effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the forest carbon balance in the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada; a pilot study (1985–2012)

Fig. 3

Pool structure of the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3) which is also used in the Generic Carbon Budget Model (GCBM). Adapted from Shaw et al. [50]). BIOMASS POOLS: MSTEM stem bark and wood of merchantable bole for live merchantable trees, MTS stem bark and wood in top and stump portion for live merchantable trees, NMERCH stem bark and wood in live nonmerchantable trees and saplings; BRANCHES, branch biomass of all live trees (bark and wood), FOLIAGE foliage biomass of all live trees, DEADWOOD POOLS: SN_MSTEM stem bark and wood of merchantable bole for dead merchantable trees, SN_MTS stem bark and wood in top and stump portion for dead merchantable trees, SN_NMERCH stem bark and wood in dead nonmerchantable trees and saplings, SN_BRANCHES branch biomass of all dead trees (bark and wood), AGFAST fine and small woody debris, MEDIUM coarse woody debris, SOIL POOLS ORGSOIL, LFH and O soil horizons as defined in The Canadian System of Soil Classification [47], MINSOIL Organic carbon in mineral soil horizons. Note that consistent with IPCC Guidelines [33] coarse roots (i.e., BGFast C) are reported in the deadwood pool

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