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Table 1 Parameter estimates (±SE) for best fit of carbon accretion in unthinned control stands for live tree only and for live + dead tree components of carbon using NMLE model

From: Carbon accretion in unthinned and thinned young-growth forest stands of the Alaskan perhumid coastal temperate rainforest

Model components

B 0

B 1

B 2

Control (live + dead trees)

484.58 (25.90)

0.026 (0.0008)

0.636 (0.011)

Control (live trees only)

398.24 (20.03)

0.029 (0.0009)

0.634 (0.0119)

  1. B0 is an estimate of the asymptote based on Eq. 3 where DBH is replaced by age and Mg C is calculated rather than height. B 1 and B 2 describe growth rate and the inflection point of the modeled relationship, respectively