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Table 2 The Accra Accounting Options; advantages and disadvantages.

From: Options for accounting carbon sequestration in German forests


Art. 3.3

Art. 3.4

advantage (+)/disadvantage (-)

0 (KP rules)

mandatory GNA

voluntary, FM: GNA with fixed cap, other 3.4: NNA

+ simple, no complicated accounting rules


+ uncertainties and disturbances can be left out (voluntary)


+ almost no incentives for increasing biospheric GHG removals


- factoring out arbitrarily dealt with by cap


- unfair treatment of windfalls/liabilities


- 'voluntary excuse' and cap reduces incentives to do more


- Complicated rules, different in the LULUCF sector to other sectors


mandatory GNA

1A: voluntary 1B: mandatory FM: GNA with discount factor, other 3.4: NNA

+ incentives increased by discount factor


- high opportunity costs for (100-df) stock increase


mandatory GNA

mandatory NNA

+ stronger incentives for mitigation action


+ pragmatic factoring out by cancelling out


+ a base period can diminish the random impact of a base year


+ HWPs fully accounted


+ same NNA accounting rules across all sectors


+ accounting for 'what the atmosphere sees'


+(FM for a stable level of optimum forest carbon stock: incentive for SFM up to a certain level)


mandatory GNA

FM: NNA with forward looking baseline

+ ex-post adjustment allows factoring out of natural disturbances


- complicated review of baseline setting and ex-post adjustments


- unclear methodological process for baseline setting


land based NNA accounting according to the convention (FL, CL, GL, WL, S, OL)


+ land-based for all managed lands


+ LULUCF as any other sector


+ simplification and broader coverage on mandatory basis


+ reduced uncertainties


+ remove any perverse incentives arising from partial or inconsistent accounting rules


- potential of compliance risks and the issue of effects due to natural disturbances, age structure and harvesting cycles